About myself
My grandfather was a taxi driver. That is why cars have always been a part of my life since I was born. Living the Soviet Union among quite «humdrum» existence I always admired long governmental limousines «ZIL». They used to slip by along Moscow avenues in a cortege, just like cruisers, evoking a feeling of speechless admiration. Chrome-tanned radiator grills, polished lines of bodyworks - they all melted in a fancy of harmony. At that time I even couldn’t imagine that I would write my diploma thesis exactly at the art and design bureau of «ZIL».
So the dreams really come true. Thus in 1998 I graduated from the design faculty of Moscow Motor Mechanics Institute as a student of Lev Gumenschikov and Alexander Sorokin. Unfortunately, I did not choose to work at my «beloved» factory because by the date of my graduation I had already been working for a year and half as a designer at an advertising agency. And the factory had already been slowly «dieing». Later on, after the crisis of 1998, I seriously started to work on development of packages: first, for cakes and various kinds of delights, and afterwards for alcohol, flowers and many other things (I even had to think of an image for sanitary pads). Then there were first team works with marketing people, first attempts to understand people for who you create the things, first diplomas and medals for packages. Gradually I had been moving towards comprehensive solution of tasks, I mean Branding. I wanted to work on the ideas themselves, develop identity of a brand. That is why, when a couple of years ago I got an offer to work in the electro technical market not simply as an interpreter, but also as a developer of an individual brand (I mean DEK), I agreed bald-headed. In addition, for the first time the manufacturer addressed a task to develop a new body for a miniature circuit-breaker.
It is necessary to point out that the market of industrial design in Russia is relatively weak and any opportunity to develop somewhat volumetric was happiness for me. At my new job when I came to close quarters of marketing problems I felt lack of certain knowledge and experience in work with products in the B2B market. One way or another, design is an emotional impact and in order to pass the idea of a client to the customer one should understand the client as well as the target audience. For this reason, last year I entered the post-graduate school of University of Management with the major of social psychology. I now study branding problems in the field of B2B market.
So, now I am engaged in the most interesting business for me - I am actively changing the world around me. Attempting to find a harmony I transform energy of feelings into visual communication. I work with energy.
